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Rear shock mount plates
dozracing - 20/2/04 at 12:13 AM

Hi all,

Another hopefully useful new product is rear shock mounting plates. 4" square x 3mm thick as per the book. Email offlist not on website yet.

Kind regards,

Darren Rescued attachment rear-shock-plates.jpg
Rescued attachment rear-shock-plates.jpg

Mark Allanson - 20/2/04 at 07:03 PM

Nice shock plates, but when are you going to get the M16 bleed nipples in?

dozracing - 20/2/04 at 10:45 PM

Hi Mark,

I got two different types in for you last night!! Long ones and standard length ones. Send me a mail off list and i'll send you the pics so you can choose.

kind regards,
