I want to make sure my diff oil is nice and clean and the diff is full. looks like its been breathing some out recently and a slight knocking at 30
ish (not audiable above this speed)
its a 3.62, but does it have a drain plug like a sump? or do i have to tackel the casing?
any advise would be great.
You need tp take the the back cover off and run/suck all the oil out.
The knock may just be backlash. Knocking has nothing to do with the oil however old it is unless theres none in there!
There a filler screw on the backplate.
Mines been seeping oil out for 2 years but every time I check it and try to fill it , it's full enough!
I can wipe oil from my case yet it is always full some how! If you split the diff you will need a new gasket I take it?
No gasket used on the diff backplate to body joint!