I have had my chassis built for a few years now and is running quite happily with a 1600 x-flow.
Right now my exhaust manifold is branched under the bonnet. It works well but I haven't managed to get all 4 headers to the exact length.
I have been given a 4 -in- 1 stainless exhaust from a tiger Cat E1 that used to run a xflow.
My only concern is that I would have to cut the diagonal that runs between the top and bottom chassis rails (LHS). If I reposition that diagonal would
I loose chassis integrity?
Other than making a new exhaust manifold, what options could I make regarding modifiying the chassis diagonal?
sell the new one and be happy with the one you have, will you notice the the extra bhp from equal headers, is it worth all the hard work ?
Originally posted by thepest
My only concern is that I would have to cut the diagonal that runs between the top and bottom chassis rails (LHS). If I reposition that diagonal would I loose chassis integrity?
Thanks guys, its prob not worth it either.