I've just spent a happy afternoon repositioning my Fu tubes after realising I had fallen onto the steering column fouling trap.
Don't know how far you've got and can't tell from your photo archive.
But it's worth leaving FU1/2 until your wishbones are done and you're attaching the wishbone brackets. As you've found FU1/2 are so
hard to get right, it's worth using wishbone placement as your guide to get them right.
Making a jig as per my photo archive will help you.
Sorry if you've already got past this point and I'm teaching you to suck eggs!
Geez James,
You've so many pics/folders cand you give a clue where the jig is
The Jig photo's were in a folder called Bracket Jig...
The plans
Jig from front
Jig from rear
Thanks for that Steve.
I missed Nige's post.
Don't let's forget maybe that's why uncle Ron called them FU tubes.
Thanks for the replies. James, I already knew about your jigs idea. Very good, infact I made one too. However, I positioned the bottom of the Fu toubes too far inward and the tops too much outward. The result was the bottom of the Fu tube fouled the steering shaft.
Originally posted by goodguydrew
Thanks for the replies. James, I already knew about your jigs idea. Very good, infact I made one too. However, I positioned the bottom of the Fu toubes too far inward and the tops too much outward. The result was the bottom of the Fu tube fouled the steering shaft.