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rivet size and distance apart
steve8274 - 21/4/10 at 10:03 AM

hi all
finally going to get round to start building my zero. going to fit diff first then put on back panel and side panels.
my question is what size rivets do you use and how far apart do they need to be?
looked at rivets 3.2 look really small whereas 4 looks a bit big. what have people used?
also when you do rivet panels on, people have suggested bonding them on too.
can you use silicone or does it need to be sikoflex? my reason for saying silicone is that i thought if the panels need to come off for some reason, then it would be easier to remove than with sikoflex.
your opinions would be appreciated

iank - 21/4/10 at 10:09 AM

I've used 3.2mm spaced at 50mm for my side panels (if I were doing it again then I'd probably space at 75mm or 100mm).

For the floor use 4.8mm large head rivets.

If using sealant rather than glue then make sure you pick one that doesn't stink of vinegar as it cures and is suitable for outdoors (water/uv proof). I used some of this which seems fine.

Mal - 21/4/10 at 10:09 AM

4mm rivets are the normal size. Westfield kits come with pre-punched panels at 50mm intervals.
You are right in thinking that panels held on with Sikaflex will be harder to remove.
Its just a decision you will have to make.
Mine are held on with Sikaflex.

big-vee-twin - 21/4/10 at 10:09 AM

4mm at 50mm centres, used stainless steel in wet areas too

iank - 21/4/10 at 10:13 AM

One thing to bear in mind if using Sikaflex (or any other PU adhesive) is that the film strength of the paint/powdercoat on the chassis is probably weaker than the glue so don't get too worried about brand.

hughpinder - 21/4/10 at 10:51 AM

4mm rivets seems normal. I thought 'normal' spacing for rivets was 10 to 12 * diameter. If you use sikaflex they are only really there to hold the panel until it sets!


mrwibble - 21/4/10 at 01:46 PM

my fury chassis came with 3.2 ali rivets with recommended spacing of 50mm for most panels, with 4.8mm ali which i've spaced at 40mm rightly or wrongly for the floor panels.

btw the way has anyone had any problems with cathodic action and the rivets holding the floor panels on?

Canada EH! - 21/4/10 at 02:05 PM

I was wondering when that last question would come up? Any old Locosts out there that have seen some road salt?
The Healy's here in the 60's suffered from this, the joint between the ali body and the steel fenders would rot.