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Sylva Striker
matty78 - 6/5/11 at 09:07 PM

Hi Guy's,

After being shunted in the rear and writing off my kit car, I need to look for a new one and I'm currently looking at Sylva Strikers.

My question is that I'm 6ft 4in, will I fit into one ?

The one I like is a good 4.5hr drive away and I dont want to travel all that way to find out I wont get into one.

If anyone has any experience's, please let me know.


austin man - 6/5/11 at 09:10 PM

Matt it helps if you show your location in your profile, there may be a fellow locoster just around the corner

daniel mason - 6/5/11 at 09:12 PM

and strikers are tiny! im not saying you wont fit in one but they are small.

matty78 - 6/5/11 at 09:18 PM

Though I'm tall, I aint on the wide side. Fingers crossed I can get into one.

If not, I may just have to cut the bottom of my legs off, haha , it'll be apity if I cant fit into one.

MkII - 6/5/11 at 09:40 PM

I think you should fit. I'm 6ft and cant fully press the clutch pedal down with the seat fully back. .m.

stevebubs - 6/5/11 at 10:47 PM

Depends on the length of your legs, and the seat you have fitted....

Oh..and how fat you are

spiderman - 6/5/11 at 11:25 PM

Raw Engineering make the Striker these days and they are in Hereford, that has to be closer than 4 1/2 hours from you.
Give them a ring they are really nice guys there and they will probably let you sit in one to try it out or at least give you a definate answer.

Raw; 01432 371169.

[Edited on 6/5/11 by spiderman]

bi22le - 6/5/11 at 11:58 PM

Strikers are considered one of the smaller chassiss on the market but I think you should be fine if you are tall and not fat!

Im about 5ft 10" and have to stretch if not sat right with the bench seat in.

Good chassis though, good luck


loggyboy - 7/5/11 at 03:52 AM

Yeah as most have stated, their narrow, but plenty of length, when I sat in the demonstrator and touched the pedals, it had a good 4=5 nches behind me, im 5'11". However im a 34-36" waste and its a snug fit width wise!

TimC - 7/5/11 at 05:50 AM

Hi Matt,

Nice to see another local here (I'm from Monmouth and only recently moved over the bridge,) I'm a 5'7" and was only able to drive my Striker when I first got it by putting 6" of foam behind the swab-seat. I think you'll have a fair chance if the Raw bench-type seats are fitted. If the car has a GRP or similar seat, I think you'll struggle.



pekwah1 - 7/5/11 at 07:35 AM

hi mate,

I'm also 6'4", i fit in my striker fine!
Just need to have a fiberglass seat as far back as humanly possible..
Also helps to have small feet but at your height i'm guessing they're not. I've got size 10s but thats also fine with the correct trainers...
You'd be surprised how much room there actually is!

matty78 - 27/5/11 at 10:04 PM

I'm collect the car tomorrow, woohoo. :-)

I know I wont be sleeping much tonight , ah well I'm sure the drive home will be entertaining.

I'll give you a run down when I get back.

matt_gsxr - 27/5/11 at 11:01 PM

Great news.

Perhaps you should join the AA now, as its cheaper than from the side of the road!

Half a joke, half a real suggestion.

Mine is a striker with clothes on, and I love it.


Werner Van Loock - 28/5/11 at 07:22 AM

I'll fit fine, maybe some other seats will be needed. I'm using a foam seat just to have every little bit available. Shoes are also very important if you're tall. I can't use just any shoe for driving, length is not the issue, it's width of the shoe.

Oh, and once you go to the striker side you'll never go back

Nick DV - 28/5/11 at 09:02 AM

Werner, I like the look of the yellow Stryker with the body kit in your photo archive. Do you have any more pics of it?

Cheers, Nick

matty78 - 29/5/11 at 07:48 PM

Well after a 5hr drive in the best znd most fun i've ever bought, it was worth the trip.

The car is the following spec :

Mk2 striker

2.1 zetec 16v on webber 45's with megajolt ecu.

The rest is as per any other striker but will get pics up soon.

Rich J - 30/5/11 at 07:50 PM

Being another South Wales striker owner I look forward to it

matty78 - 2/6/11 at 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Rich J
Being another South Wales striker owner I look forward to it

Are there any local kit car clubs around the area ?

Werner Van Loock - 5/6/11 at 07:00 PM

well done buying a striker, but no don't have any other pictures of the yellow one, if you mean the scatto which is a highly modified striker.

All i know is that it is a one off modification and the latest being a all new chassis, so no more striker underneath and that it races in scandinavia