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chassis bobbins - where from?
dexion7 - 7/6/11 at 01:14 PM

as above - cant find anywhere that sells them, perhaps i've got the wrong name i'm talking about something to weld to a chassis so that i can bolt e.g a damper / rose joint etc to it.

cheers for your help

imp paul - 7/6/11 at 01:47 PM

here you go pal

indykid - 7/6/11 at 01:50 PM

Single shear mounting is not desirable for applications like that.

What's stopping you using more conventional double shear brackets?

It could be that your terminology's wrong and we're talking at cross purposes though

mark chandler - 7/6/11 at 03:36 PM

Do you mean these ?

Suspension Brackets For Locost and Haynes Roadster | eBay UK

Regards Mark

designer - 7/6/11 at 04:23 PM

Is it me, or does £1.50 seem a lot for one?

Alan B - 7/6/11 at 05:05 PM

Nope, I disagree, that seems a fair price for one.