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Chassis build
Hornet - 7/9/02 at 07:41 AM

I have just completed my basic chassis build and thought I would add this...
I fully welded and then grinded off to a flat surface where body panels will go and the afterthought is that i wished that where you get a but joint, i had filed a taper on the 2 surfaces to give the weld somewhere to flow. Where you get a but joint onto the rounded edges of the square bar is fine but square to square isnt. I accept that there are other full welds on the other sides of the joints but it would have been better if i had done this... so if you are at build stage, i would recomend for peace of mind that you do this.

Mark Allanson - 7/9/02 at 10:01 AM

If you have the correct amount of penetration on you butt welds, grinding them flush should not remove any strength as the surplace weld above the surface of the chasisis not doing any work. The welds may well be stronger when groud off as any stress risers will be eliminated. The only way the weld will be weaker, is if you have any undercut at the weld edges(too many amps) or you grind too much off!
The only time I chamfer the work is on heavier stuff where you put a root weld in first (usually arc welding with low hydrogen rods, but this is ship building stuff!)
If you are really worried, make a similar weld with a bit of scrap RHS, grind it flush, then cut it down the middle, file it flat, polish it with 1000 paper and brush nitric acid on it. the weld will show up like chrome and the RHS will be a dull grey.

Hornet - 8/9/02 at 08:06 AM

Thanks for info m8.... I shall sleep easy in the months ahaead awaiting completion of me car