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I think I've found myself a new project...
Steve Hignett - 22/6/11 at 09:56 PM

I like it...

owelly - 22/6/11 at 10:01 PM

Oh great. You come out of the pub, "where's my bike?"
"Sorry mate. My panda ate it".

balidey - 22/6/11 at 10:31 PM

great project.
I like the CF one too

RK - 22/6/11 at 11:05 PM

Well, as I have fallen off more bikes than I can count, I am OUT.

I also lost my seat once, just before a 10 drop during a downhill race. That was quite scary if I say so myself. Needless to say, I didn't get a good time...

Mr G - 23/6/11 at 12:00 AM

Problem is you'd put your 19" framed bike in the garage and when you come back next day it's a 21"

Guinness - 23/6/11 at 08:20 AM

I think they are great looking bikes and if I had the skill....

nick205 - 23/6/11 at 08:31 AM

Liking that a lot, great mix of hi and low tech materials.

Having seen multistorey bamboo scaffolding in Asia I can wel believe bamboo could be used for quite a few applications.

Peteff - 23/6/11 at 08:37 AM

I've seen that on Instructables I think. Bamboo bikes projects, lots of them.

RichardK - 23/6/11 at 10:45 AM

Steve, you thinking of making the joints?



nick205 - 23/6/11 at 12:18 PM

Looked through that site a bit more and there's some fascinating things on there.

Particularly like the rivetted latice Titanium frame - not because it's going to be an amazing bike frame, but just for the effort and skill applied in producing it.

Also really like the bamboo fibre frame development too - it shows real ingenuity and a glimmer of what might be possible with natural materials and some modern techniques

Steve Hignett - 25/6/11 at 10:26 PM

Found a more detailed "instructable"...

RichK - Yes, I would make everything.

Doctor Derek Doctors - 26/6/11 at 10:21 PM

While at Uni' we read a piece about growing 'Bone' into moulds to create new specific bone shapes for people..... our instant thought was to try and grow a 'bone' Monocoque.

steve m - 26/6/11 at 10:37 PM

I wooden make one

Steve Hignett - 4/7/11 at 08:16 PM

Originally posted by steve m
I wooden make one

I've read and re-read this comment about a dozen times and feel so stupid cos I just don't get it!

HowardB - 4/7/11 at 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett
Originally posted by steve m
I wooden make one

I've read and re-read this comment about a dozen times and feel so stupid cos I just don't get it!

it's a play on words I woudn't make one = I wooden make one

Steve Hignett - 4/7/11 at 08:39 PM

But why the "Wood" word, that's what I don't get!

Mr G - 4/7/11 at 08:46 PM

Just cut to the chase and tell him bamboo is classed as a grass

Steve Hignett - 4/7/11 at 08:55 PM

But I thought that was one of those universally "known" things, like glass is a liquid etc...

I thought he might have been saying that he was ONLY going to make a wooden one, until other people went along with his comment!

I've thought about one with Ali tubes to join up the "joints", and carbon tube, but the bamboo just seems the best choice. The only problem is that the instructables I've read pretty much state that choosing and treating the right bamboo is the hardest part!