Hello Everybody,
I'm building a Haynes Roadster (Chris Gibbs book), in Sweden. I want to order the suspension brackets set and a pre-cut chassis plate set. But
from England, the postage cost is very expensive. Does anyone know where I can find these items in Sweden, or which company can make the cuts and
bends on map ? I'm sure some of you have already made fabricated these items in Sweden. By the way, I'm leaving close to Växjö, and a
supplier or a company in the neighbourhood would be great, but of course, I can also mail order these parts.
Thanks a lot.
You should be able to find a laser/water cutting service in Sweden to cut the plates, then you just need to buy the brackets, from Ebay perhaps.
I know of a Mk that's already in Sweden that's for sale or part exchange for a ring track car.
It's a black bec with a late model honda motor. Less than 500 miles since sva.
Interested ? U2U me 4 contact details
It's located in gothenborg
Hi guys,
thank you very much for the reply. Yes, the best is to find a company who can water cut steel plates, but I was thinking may be a swede could tell me
who and where. I posted the same topic on LocostSweden forum, and we'll see.
Mangogrooveworkshop, thanks for the offer, but my budget for the Haynes Roadster is already very tight, can't afford another car ! But thanks
anyway !
If anybody else has a tip for me in Sweden, reagarding where to buy the CP set, thanks in advance.