Anyone know what the difference between an LA Roadster and an LA Gold chassis is? Apart from that only the LA Gold is in production now! Both are
sevenesque cars, but seems no info on the Roadster on the web - who produced them and when? What is the chassis of the Roadster like and anyone
remember building up a kit of one? (is it a Locost?)
Both procomp cars aren't they? best bet is to contact procomp themselves.
The LA roadster is nothing to do with us ( Procomp ) we produce the LA Gold and LA Locost.
The LA roadster was in production many years ago early 80's or around that period. I cant remember much about it at all to be honest as there
where a few cars with the LA name as LA simply stands for Live Axle. There was the LA roadster the LA race Corp and at least one or two others they
where all seven type setups.
I seem to recall that a member on here had recently brought or was rebuilding an old LA of some description not one of ours anyhow.
One off them was engineered by a well known race team ( cant think who mind ) but they built one which was very well respected and was superb
handling. It changed name more than a few times and became the ELDON in the late 90's and was then brought by one of the kitcar mag editors and
renamed the RAZOR. Matthew Lewis used to run an Eldon in 750 Kits until switching to a MNR that car was sold i believe after being converted to an IRS
rear end to cope with the V8 he fitted.
What you need is an old copy of the magazines that used to come out yearly which had all the manufacturers listed with brief descriptions and
background info. Cant think which mag used to do them but they may still be available in archives or from fellow members on here maybe.
All in all not much info from me except to say it was nothing to do with ourselves.
Cheers Matt