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Chassis finally finished.
TimC - 14/1/13 at 07:57 PM

Just thought I'd share: having bought a bare/basic Autotune Gemini chassis from Mr Beddows and having chopped and ground it to bits and then welded it back up again (with a lot of help) my chassis is finally complete and powdercoated. It's only taken 28 months to get from this to this.

And it hardly looks any different!

clanger - 14/1/13 at 08:33 PM

sweet, well done tim.....................time is irrelevant mate, as long as you got some marbles left at the end

race is on then........I pick my chassis up from powdercoaters this week, taken me a year to get from this.....LOL

[Edited on 14/1/13 by clanger]

TimC - 14/1/13 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by clanger

Indeed - that did actually make me LOL. See you at Stoneleigh? That's my plan. Maybe a Llandow shakedown prior to that.

clanger - 14/1/13 at 08:41 PM

Stoneligh ....................................2014..........................maybe???

D Beddows - 15/1/13 at 10:12 AM

I'm sure it's significantly better though Tim

Really wish my shed was still as tidy as that though

[Edited on 15/1/13 by D Beddows]

TimC - 15/1/13 at 10:15 AM

Originally posted by D Beddows
I'm sure it's significantly better though Tim

Really wish my shed was still as tidy as that though

[Edited on 15/1/13 by D Beddows]

We'll find out soon enough. Your shed was a beauty! No doubt its full of toys and buggies now?

D Beddows - 15/1/13 at 01:49 PM

Lol, got it in one

Padstar - 23/1/13 at 01:39 PM

If you dont mond me asking, how much did you pay to get it powder coated?

Mine is nearly finished and i want to go down this route. Did you trial fit everything before having it done?

TimC - 24/1/13 at 04:28 PM

Hi, circa £230 for the coating - but I'm not darn saaf so you may pay a premium?

Yes, I fitted everything that couldn't be adjusted later. It meant a few mods too.

TimC - 26/1/13 at 10:09 PM

What a difference a day makes.

Gemini - 10/10/13 at 08:33 PM

looking good.

TimC - 10/10/13 at 08:39 PM

Thanks. Rolling now.