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Car dimensions
Gaz4562 - 14/9/13 at 07:19 PM

What are the chassis dimensions at the widest point with out wheels. Was wondering how much space I will need in the garage.

daniel mason - 14/9/13 at 07:29 PM

what car?
an s3 caterham is narrow. others not so!

austin man - 14/9/13 at 07:29 PM

depends what your building , the locost is narrower than an Indy, the haynes is wider I believe

Proby - 14/9/13 at 07:38 PM

My F27 is very narrow compared to others, so depends on what you want to build.

iank - 14/9/13 at 07:43 PM

Chassis alone:
Locost is 42"
Haynes Roadster is 44"

You'll need to factor in some extra for suspension.
And obviously while building you'll need additional room around the chassis (I tried the 12inches each side game - it doesn't work very well)

Gaz4562 - 14/9/13 at 07:46 PM

Would of helped if I put what I was building I guess. DOH !!! It will be an Indy hopefully.

austin man - 14/9/13 at 07:50 PM

5 foot five I believe

Gaz4562 - 14/9/13 at 07:53 PM

Is that without the wheels ?

austin man - 14/9/13 at 08:45 PM

with wheels on

Smoking Frog - 14/9/13 at 10:32 PM

Mk Indy, chassis only 42" wide.

Gaz4562 - 14/9/13 at 11:25 PM
