I'm changing the chassis on a 'by the book', Ron Champion Locost. I'm also taking the opportunity to replace the 893cc Fireblade
engine with something bigger. Can anyone recommend a chassis builder who can make a new (old type) chassis for me? Perhaps you have a spare one??
If its registered and you are using all the other bits that came with the car why don't you replace it with a similar design.
Yes I need the new chassis to be as close as possible to the Ron Champion Haynes one I have.
Aries Motorsport still supply Ron Champion book chassis - click on the price list tab at: http://www.ariesmotorsport.co.uk/ for the Locost 'live
axle' model.
The Ron Champion Locost 'book chassis' is still used and required for the 750 Motor Club Locost racing championship (and can have some
additions/modifications see: http://www.750mc.co.uk/ugc-1/1/1/0/cdf0c89a-105f-4733-b7f3-4474e84b851a.pdf )
Procomp also supply chassis for Locost racing: http://www.procomp.co.uk/lalocost.html
[Edited on 16/11/13 by Mike Wood]
[Edited on 16/11/13 by Mike Wood]