Anyone got an IRS westy car or chassis i can run a tape over? Im using westfield wishbones uprights etc but need to know the distance between upper
inner mounts, lower inner mounts and distance between upper and lower please
Cheers in advance
At such a distance the best I can do is measure them for you and only when I bring my kit back to the workshop.
I'd be keen to see these measurements too. If anyone has a drawing of a Westfield chassis that would be even better still.
thanks for the offer :-)
its actually only the rear end by the way so 3 measurements needed
I would measure the components you have, then play around with to find an arrangement that works. If you would like any help or advice then feel free to ask. I wouldn't assume that the westfield arrangement is the only or best way to do it.
Originally posted by phelpsa
I would measure the components you have, then play around with to find an arrangement that works. If you would like any help or advice then feel free to ask. I wouldn't assume that the westfield arrangement is the only or best way to do it.