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Front wishbones
notaclue - 24/3/14 at 01:56 PM

can anyone help!!

On saturday i mooted my front wishbones and and brake disc assembly (Excuse the technical terminology) but they point 35 degrees inwards. does anyone know why this is?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated!!

40inches - 24/3/14 at 02:05 PM

Sounds like you need steering rod extensions Steering Rack Extensions (Ford) Ideal for Kit Cars

notaclue - 24/3/14 at 02:09 PM

sorry I'm struggling to understand how the will help..?

40inches - 24/3/14 at 02:14 PM

Originally posted by notaclue
sorry I'm struggling to understand how the will help..?

If you have connected the steering arms to the front upright, and the wheels point inwards to that degree, the steering arms are too short and need extending.
Otherwise a photo would be needed to illustrate the problem

notaclue - 24/3/14 at 02:16 PM

how can i post a picture on here? sorry I'm a total novice at this.

garyo - 24/3/14 at 02:18 PM

Do they point inwards at the top as you look at the car from the front (camber) or point inwards at the front as you view the car from above (toe)?

notaclue - 24/3/14 at 02:20 PM

from above.

thanks for time by the way

40inches - 24/3/14 at 02:24 PM

I don't have the Haynes Roadster book, but I think it's covered here: fig 5.36 on page 76
As said I don't have the book, but I got that from the Interweb

nick205 - 24/3/14 at 04:38 PM

By the sounds of it you need to fit some track rod extension pieces between the track rod (the rod from the steering rack) and track rod end the ball joint that bolts to the upright. Picture below shows these fitted for illustration.

notaclue - 24/3/14 at 04:42 PM

thanks- but what I'm saying is when its all bolted up. it physically looks like it will not go straight its like the top wishbone is too long? any thoughts? id upload a picture but i don't know how to do it..

notaclue - 24/3/14 at 05:12 PM

problem solved!!! the cowboy who sold me the wishbones has made the top wish bone wrong!!

CRAIGR - 24/3/14 at 08:37 PM

Are they definately wrong ?
Have you tried swapping them from side to side as they may be handed.

Failing that who made them ?

[Edited on 24/3/14 by CRAIGR]

jacko - 24/3/14 at 09:12 PM

You have got the right name any way " NOT A CLUE "
Check and double check haha

notaclue - 24/3/14 at 09:28 PM

cross referenced with book. Defo wrong. I thought the name very apt.

jacko - 24/3/14 at 09:34 PM

Yes very good

notaclue - 24/3/14 at 09:38 PM

although... you have to try

CRAIGR - 24/3/14 at 09:42 PM

Who made them .

Can you send them back ?