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Tiger Avon
ian - 7/10/02 at 05:51 PM

does the tiger avon cover all measurements in book to fabricate everything u need and is it completely based on ford sierra doner.

johnston - 7/10/02 at 06:48 PM

it has the dimionsions but dosent really say wot part to do first it lacks the sorta step by step idea the origanal has plus 1 thing that got me was it gives plans of how to build rear up rights but not what to make them from

and some people have said back doesnt really look right compared to the front

my advice buy the first one if definatly usin sierra buy both and mix and match

ian - 7/10/02 at 07:09 PM

cheers have got rc book will order tiger book and see

James - 8/10/02 at 10:53 AM

I believe someone mentioned that it still says to use Cortina front hubs. In which case the wishbones will be proportioned for Cortina dimensions not Sierra ones.



johnston - 8/10/02 at 07:04 PM

yeah uses cortina hubs and escy rack but shows a pic of sierra hubs with the mushroom - 9/10/02 at 06:22 PM

After building a RC locost, ive just got the book and gonna build an avon, with what i learned from RC plans i think i shouldnt have a problem.

Anyone know of any major errors yet?

John H

ian - 10/10/02 at 05:15 PM

e-mailed tiger about using sierra front hubs they said it would need major mods but i could buy the tiger cat kit which uses sierra front hubs and would save £500 on buying this kit as opposed to there locost kit does this not make there locost kit high cost. - 10/10/02 at 06:08 PM

I emailed them for a cuttin list.....nope. they must have one, ill buildit then produce the measurements.