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Hydraulic actuator control help - any specialists out there?
FuryRebuild - 5/5/15 at 04:13 PM


So, I'm involved in building a suspension test rig (a bit like a very specialised shaker rig) and we're doing it from scratch. I am wondering if there's anyone who can point me in the right direction?

We have most of the gear for what we need - pump, accumulator, etc. is sorted. The ram with the right force/stroke/velocity requirements is sorted, and an electro-hydraulic valve is also sorted. Someone to write the code to manage this is also sorted (me).

What we're lacking in the middle is an understanding of how to control the valve. It does have some analogue inputs, but what seems to be lacking is any PID control (or other) in order to put the ram where we want it when we want it. I can't help thinking there's got to be a kind of digital controller that will take a signal (either analogue or serial) for position, speed, force. What I'm trying to avoid is actually having to write and tune PID controllers if there's an off-the-shelf module that is already designed for this. Then, I can just send it either the data we have after appropriate manipulation and signal processing.

Any ideas?


turbodisplay - 5/5/15 at 05:59 PM

Is Pid control that hard to impliment. I have done one in asembly language, in a high level language it is really easy. I can speak later about implimentaion if interested.

FuryRebuild - 5/5/15 at 06:01 PM

Originally posted by turbodisplay
Is Pid control that hard to impliment. I have done one in asembly language, in a high level language it is really easy. I can speak later about implimentaion if interested.

Well, I'd sooner have a PID module I can send a variety of real time track data to, rather then implement one of my own.

Saying that, I really appreciate the support.


turbodisplay - 5/5/15 at 06:10 PM

Is a good start, worked well for me to start.
