Hi , so I am looking to build a Haynes roadsters and would like to build the chassis myself based on the book, I have done some rough working out for the total number of meters required to build the chassis, I worked it out to be 10.5 m @19mm x 19mm and 28 m @ 25mm x 25mm all in 16swg....anybody know if that sounds about right?
According to the 'stickys' on the haynes forum in the FAQ bit, its says you need 7x 6m lengths of 25x25 and 3x 6m lengths of 20x20. There
will be some leftovers but you'll be glad you have them.
I bought a flat pack kit so didnt cut it myself.
What donor car will you be using?
Hope the link works!
Hi thanks for the link I can check my figures against there's now,I am undecided on a donor car at the moment, the mx5 seems cheap and plentiful compared to the Sierra but I really have my heart set on a Ford power plant possible a zetec lump.
nothing much to stop you using mazda running gear and ford engine
you don't even need the ford gearbox - the RX8 boxes seem to be becoming a popular upgrade for ford engines now too: