Hey all!
New to this forum so hello! Just bought myself a half finished project which Liam will be helping me with.....he doesnt realised how much yet! Am now
the proud owner of what looks like a rusty climbing frame and a dusty motorbike engine...I cant wait! First thing - its a book chassis with CBR 1000
and sierra track. After a chat with Liam last night I'm thinking:
6ish degrees of castor
1 deg baseline of neg camber (adjustment over this)
Any thoughts?
Yo dawg.
Yo Yo YO!!!
Hows tings? Im gonna try your rust removal technique for some nasty looking cortina uprights in a minute - well ok, tommorrow when I phone in sick!
Originally posted by jambojeef
tommorrow when I phone in sick!
Cheers James!
I went in in the end - so just at work but still thinking about the front suspension.
I've got lower bone mounts which seem as per book but lower arms are 450mm between inboard mountings and centre of maxi - any thoughts on my
geometry so far? Am I really talking about KPI rather than castor?