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Haynes Chassis Pre-Cut Tubing Packs
Jismonkey2000 - 20/6/18 at 12:08 PM


Does anyone know of a company who still cuts Haynes Chassis Pre-Cut Tubing Packs? I'm looking to build a Std Chassis but tweak it to suit either BMW 3 series or MX-5 Running Gear/Powerplant etc.

Thanks in advance


drt - 20/6/18 at 12:22 PM

Is Talon Motorsport not operating anymore ?
used to be on Ebay and on this forum under that name :p

jps - 20/6/18 at 12:46 PM

Originally posted by drt
Is Talon Motorsport not operating anymore ?
used to be on Ebay and on this forum under that name :p

Phil posted up recently saying he was stopping the Haynes products he had been doing as it was not cost effective. Maybe worth contacting anyway...

Sometimes when this comes up others point out that buying it as lengths and cutting means you have offcuts for various additional bits you may end up making anyway...

Jismonkey2000 - 20/6/18 at 01:35 PM

Thanks guys, I did try to find Talon Motorsport, 3ge components and even Saturn. But all the trails seem to dry up. I guess as mentioned by DRT, it has proved not to be cost effective for them. I think I will pursue the full length approach and cut them myself.

Thanks Again


Talon Motorsport - 20/6/18 at 09:27 PM

To make a flat pack with chassis plates and suspension brackets worth the time it takes to cut yours for £550 plus £45 P&P thats £595..........still want one?

Jismonkey2000 - 21/6/18 at 12:32 PM

Thanks Talon, that's a good price, though I don't have the funds to cover that at the moment. I'm building on a drip budget, so will need to do a bit of saving or cut it all myself.

Thank you ever so much for coming back though, I do appreciate it.
