Searched the book but can't find the overall width and length of a completed car.
Anyone know them or could measure their car. Accuracy not critical, within a few cm will do.
It will/can depend on what bodywork /wheels you use. Chassis length plus 14" and width plus 26" is probably not far off.
So if I use 3.5mtr x 1.8mtr I will be well inside that. Just working out garage layout to allow work room all round.
I built my 7 in a very small single garage, so small, that even my mondeo will not even fit through the door
However, you have to have a plan, and be fairly organised, keep stuff away from the side wall, and push the car against the opposite wall to work on
either side, I still only had about 18" of room to work
Have a major de clutter first, get rid of kids bikes ladders and garden crap into a shed in the back garden or skip !
it can be done, and when the weather gets better, working outside is so much nicer
Which car are you talking about?
My Haynes Roadster (Equinox Bodywork) is:
Overall Length: 3,35m
Overall Width: 1,67m
Height (roll-bar): 1,20m
Originally posted by steve m
I built my 7 in a very small single garage, so small, that even my mondeo will not even fit through the door
Have a major de clutter first, get rid of kids bikes ladders and garden crap into a shed in the back garden or skip !
Originally posted by voucht
Which car are you talking about?
My Haynes Roadster (Equinox Bodywork) is:
Overall Length: 3,35m
Overall Width: 1,67m
Height (roll-bar): 1,20m
While your boarding the garage loft, make sure you have good lighting in the garage, with AT LEAST TWO fluorescent's
as said my garage is SMALL, and has two fluorescent's and two 60 watt bulbs, and sometimes that's not enough
If your starting with an empty garage, I would paint the walls as well,
Garage already has 3 five foot tube lights in there (single garage). Fitted when I was rebuilding a motorbike.
Ceiling and walls will be getting a good coating of white paint. Should be nice and bright in there. Also have a selection of LED lights I can use for
local spot lighting if required. I find these days I cant have too much light.
Think I might fit a radiator in there as well as some of the central heating pipes run through the garage so easy job to T in to it.
Sound bar for some music is on order.
I'm planning on a lot of hours in there.