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Seat to harness mounting min measurement.
Jon Christie - 15/5/21 at 07:36 PM

Hi all can any one tell me the minimum height from the seat to the harness fittings required for the Iva.

gremlin1234 - 15/5/21 at 07:59 PM

the iva manual is very specific, seat belts secn 31

"A harness or three-point belt effective anchorage location must be at least 450mm above the reference point "
also beware of adding 'guides' in the seat back, since they would then have to be structural

snapper - 15/5/21 at 08:14 PM

The reference point can be cut from a block of wood, it has a specific length and thickness, the 450mm is measured from the highest point of the block to take into account seat squab angle.
Many have fails by just measuring 450mm from the seat

Jon Christie - 15/5/21 at 08:30 PM

I have bought cobra seats and I have put the top harness mounts on the cross bar as drawn I had to pack the seats up 25mm then I have the seat adjusters so from the crouch of the seat do I need a minimum of 450mm then ?
Thanks for your quick replies.🙂

gremlin1234 - 15/5/21 at 08:53 PM

no you need more than that, as snapper says, the reference point comes from a block on the seat

and as I said before, the IVA manual secn 31 is very specific

snapper - 15/5/21 at 09:47 PM

The stated height is a minimum height, you don’t need to pack up the seat