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Seat Belt mounting position
phil_far - 13/2/05 at 04:27 PM

What is the recommended height of the seat belt mounts (I am referring the the ones on top for your shoulder straps). I am looking for a 4 point harness. Is there a specific height requirement for SVA and if yes what is it


Fifer - 13/2/05 at 05:11 PM

The height of the mounting is determined by a set of measurments taken from the SVA book.
You place a 136mm long by 53mm high distance peice (a block of wood or peice of cardboard will do) on the rear of the seat pad against the seat back. From the forward most upper point of this distance peice, measure vertically 450mm (you can use a wood template for this) and then from this height, you take a string horizontaly backwards. This is then the minimum height for the anchor point.
There are some other things to consider like the hole slotsin your seat if you have them and if they constitute a mounting as in a change of direction etc but the height measurment above is the minimum.
I strongly recomend that you by the SVA book for this and other measurements.

phil_far - 13/2/05 at 07:43 PM

Thanks for the info. SVA is not yet enforced on 'kit cars' here in Malta but it is coming in soon. From where would be best to buy this book?

kb58 - 14/2/05 at 01:29 AM

Also go check seatbelt manufacturers websites; Simpson has good recommendations. Summed up, the attachements should be directly behind, or slightly below, the top of your shoulders.

[Edited on 2/14/05 by kb58]

phil_far - 14/2/05 at 02:26 PM

Thanks, that seems much simpler than I taught

