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Recomended reading please
ManicRacers - 3/6/05 at 09:36 PM

Hi all

Can anybody recommend some good books to read

Easy reading perfered

These are the subjects I would like to learn more about:

Space frame building and design

Sheet metal work

designing and making suspension

Please only recommend books you have read and found good

Don't really want to waste 15-20 on a book of no use


Hellfire - 3/6/05 at 09:37 PM

I was gonna recommend any James Herbert but read on...

No idea m8..

andyb64 - 3/6/05 at 11:48 PM

Any of the Carroll Smith books, Engineer to Win, Prepare to Win etc.

kb58 - 4/6/05 at 02:06 AM

See my list:

jambojeef - 4/6/05 at 10:16 AM


You could try "Race and Rally Car Source Book" type that into Amazon - very good but if you read it from cover to cover you'll end up with a chassis stiffness fetish like Liam...


"Chassis Engineering - Herb Adams" - easy to read and Herbs a bit of a locoster - theres a great shot of him cutting car springs to lower some American v8 lawnmower or something somewhere in it!


kb58 - 5/6/05 at 05:43 AM

Bah!, they're all on my list, and plenty more!

phelpsa - 5/6/05 at 09:03 AM

Racing car Suspension by Allan Staniforth.
