Hi all
Can anybody recommend some good books to read
Easy reading perfered
These are the subjects I would like to learn more about:
Space frame building and design
Sheet metal work
designing and making suspension
Please only recommend books you have read and found good
Don't really want to waste 15-20 on a book of no use
I was gonna recommend any James Herbert but read on...
No idea m8..
Any of the Carroll Smith books, Engineer to Win, Prepare to Win etc.
See my list:
You could try "Race and Rally Car Source Book" type that into Amazon - very good but if you read it from cover to cover you'll end up
with a chassis stiffness fetish like Liam...
"Chassis Engineering - Herb Adams" - easy to read and Herbs a bit of a locoster - theres a great shot of him cutting car springs to lower
some American v8 lawnmower or something somewhere in it!
Bah!, they're all on my list, and plenty more!
Racing car Suspension by Allan Staniforth.