I have found a friendly local powder coater that said they would powder coat my chassis for a bargain £40. But that just includes etching and coating
- I have to remove all the surface rust that this poo weather has covered my chassis with all by myself.
Now I could spend forever with a wire brush attatchment but I'm interested in other options. So far I have come up with acid dipping or shot
blasting. I wondered if anybody knows which of these is most suitable, how much this sort of thing costs, and where do you go about getting it done
(in East Anglia preferably)? Or is there a better way?
Would acid cleaning damage the chassis? Would shot blasting get all the nooks and crannies? Etc etc. What have other people done? I believe MK
offer powder coating - anyone know what he does?
Any help appreciated...
I'd go for blasting myself. It should get all the nooks and crannies easily, if it is done properly. You'll have to get it to the coater pretty sharpish afterwards though....or it will start rusting very quickly again...
Go with blasting, gives a better key for the paint/powder..get yourself a roll of shrinkwrap, have your blaster give the chassis a good going over
with just air when he has finished then shrinkwrap it till you can get it to the paintshop.
when you acid dip you have to wash away the acid then youwould need a water repelant which would leave the chassis oily, not good for painting..
Thanks guys!
Tim - being local, you wouldn't know any blasters round here would you? Any idea of what price I should be looking at?
mate of mine used to blast grain silo,s and strange things like that round your end of the world might be worth talking to a local farmer
There is a guy on Elstow storage depot that does it, I think he is called Beds Blasting or something like that and he has done jobs for cash for me in the past couldn't tell you what he is likley to charge though..