I'm looking to build the chassis for my next car, but I was hoping to build a full bodied car (like a fury/phoenix). Does anyone know of any
plans for a car like this? While I'm hoping to build the chassis I would be looking to buy the bodywork/GRP....
I may be wrong, as most people tell me, but looking at the pictures on the fury websight, it does look basically like a 7 derived frame under there, perhaps not even as stiff as the standard locost's. I don't know about changes dimensionally though, but I'd guess they were minimal. Cheers.
You'd be surprised. Yes the fury is a spaceframe but there are some significant variations.
Best bet for a full body on a 7 frame would be the challenger bodywork
The original phoenix shared the same chassis with the striker. I suspect its too small for a standard locost chassis though.
You might what to check out grabbercars website. Or if you want to hold on for a few months/years/decades/centries I might have finished my build by then and will be able to give you both body and chassis plans.