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American Locost idea
dl_peabody - 4/9/05 at 10:50 PM

Can I have an opinion on this chasis?

I was looking at a way to improve the areodynamics and incorporate the roll bar into the frame. Any suggestions or criticisms?

[Edited on 4/9/05 by dl_peabody]

dl_peabody - 4/9/05 at 11:09 PM

That is funny....Ok I just got it to work.

The idea is to have a slopping windscreen, removalable roof panel, made with 1.5 inch or 2.0 inch tubing or RHS. The roorf/roll bar ties into the frame and the windsheild bolts/ is afixed to that.

I have heard that the curved tubing loses strenght so instead od tear drop the could be straight peices. The front A-pillar is where the windscreen would be, the B-pillar would tie into the bottom rail, the C-pilar at the back of the driver compartment would add Strenght and tie into the bottom fram rail, and the D-pilar would tie into the back part of the frame.

All of the internal tranny tunnel would be similar. Extra bracing or gusting could be added for strengeth.

[Edited on 5/9/05 by dl_peabody] Rescued attachment Teardrop Locost Jpeg.JPG
Rescued attachment Teardrop Locost Jpeg.JPG

Rorty - 5/9/05 at 06:04 AM

Looks like a motorised caravan (trailer to you) .
It actually looks more like one of your "sand rails".
I believe if you move in that direction, you're missing the point of the Sevenesque car; that is minimalist, light-weight, open top, sports car.
What you're proposing is a "car". There's no reason why it wouldn't work though, but you may want to reconsider the material dimensions throughout the car and fit a comensurate engine.

Triton - 5/9/05 at 06:42 AM

My first thought was it looks like a sand rail, but then they are cool so build what you want to build.

Wadders - 5/9/05 at 09:47 AM

sloping windscreen has been used to good effect before in a 7, do a search for Sylva Stryker, one of the best handling 7 style cars ever made IMHO.

kreb - 5/9/05 at 06:00 PM

Mr Peabody - Your design makes a lot of sense if you plan on racing the car. Not so much if it's for casual use. IMHO most sevens look pretty bad with a full roll cage. If the cage were integrated into the design, not tacked on as an afterthought, there's potential for a better mousetrap there.

OTOH if you plan on racing the car, you may wish to consider a low front bar design. Go to the team Birkinsport site and look at their race cage design.

dl_peabody - 6/9/05 at 12:17 AM

I hadn't thought about it before posting but it does bare resembalance to a sand rail as some others have already mentioned. ( I like the caravan comment, made me smile)

I am not married to any particular design. I would like to modify the orginal design, adding strenght, modifying comcepts, and making a "locost" a little different . I am not too proud that if people in the forum pointed out weaknesses, design flaws, or just plain damned uglyness, that I would get my feelings hurt, with the number of seven concepts and car concepts I want to take the best of what is available and use it. I am still on my first build but would strongly consider it, or a variant of it, for a second build.

While the spirit of the seven is there at the core, there are some differences. The same could be said for the frame very similar a little stronger and a roof/roll bar to add extra strenght. The lines of the frame is very similar to the book frame with the acception of the Roof line roll bar and wider tubing.

The front suspension and the rear suspension are largely unchanged. The same engine space as a McSorely +442. I would like to see the final design kept below 1500lbs (in california if your car is below 1500lbs you don't need fenders...weird law, huh?)

One of the reasons for the dzus fitted roof panel is to add security if I park it at the mall or drive it to work and know that is should be there when I return (realtively unmolested). I want more than just a "drive it on Sunday car".

As found at

I appreciate all the comments that have been made, Thanks everyone...

I will check out the Styker after dinner, and I have already checked out the low front roll bar. It would be a street car so it would need a windscreen...insteresting design through.