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Gearbox Cross Member
Dave Bailey - 18/3/06 at 07:54 PM

I have to change the gearbox mounting bracket on my Luego chassis as I am fitting the type 9 Westfield mount. Basically I need to fit the plate to the bottom of the chassis rails instead of the top, Has anyone bolted this plate instead of welding it so that it can be removed to allow the gearbox to be changed without taking the engine out. If so what size bolts did you use. I am worried about weakening the chassis.

Dave B.

zzr1100rick - 18/3/06 at 09:13 PM

well isnt the mount held in place with two 8mm bolts so i would have thought four 6mm bolts would have held the plate

i may be wrong

Dave Bailey - 18/3/06 at 11:08 PM

thing is the mount is normally sitting on a welded plate on the top of the chassis rails so the bolts are not actually carrying any load. I think 4 6mm bolts should be o.k. though. I'll soon know when the gearbox drops and the prop falls out.

zzr1100rick - 19/3/06 at 06:57 AM

you could also fit a strap to catch the gearbox if/when it breaks free

Mark Allanson - 19/3/06 at 11:57 AM