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alexd.dwg irs file
merkurman - 18/4/03 at 04:08 PM

I got this from someone and now that I got a chance to look at it there seems to be no front suspenion section in my file, just the IRS section. so if anyone has te rest of it orkonws where I can find it let me know please.


fastenuff - 18/4/03 at 05:30 PM

I don't recall there being a front suspension drawing where i got this drawing. If there was one I prob would have downloaded it aswell.
I think the drawing was by alex davenport (OZ), hence the filename ALEXD, I might be wrong on the author though. You could just use the standard book drawings.

merkurman - 18/4/03 at 05:43 PM

well I also have the IRS drawings from site and notice the geometery is different between the two and wanted to make sure whatI was goingto put together was going to jive right.


Alan B - 18/4/03 at 07:31 PM


The Alex D I know of is actually an ex. pat Brit (like me) in Phoenix...

One of the first US Locosters..

merkurman - 18/4/03 at 08:38 PM

that is who I thought it was at first but he doesn't have a IRS car.


fastenuff - 19/4/03 at 12:14 PM

The author most prob is the Alex D you know Alan, must have downloaded the file 3 or 4 years ago.

Alan B - 19/4/03 at 01:12 PM

Alex Devonport's website

Alan B - 19/4/03 at 01:14 PM

Originally posted by merkurman
that is who I thought it was at first but he doesn't have a IRS car.


Good point, maybe a different guy then.

merkurman - 19/4/03 at 06:57 PM

well the file I have does give the arms length and such so i guess I am off to compare with other drawings.

I wann aget the chassis maybe welded up this summer along with the arms then figure out what motor I am putting in. I have a 2.3L turbo but it is a large and heavy engine. I might be doing a inline six ford with a alloy head from OZ if this one guy gets it working in his 7. then I get a 3.3L inline six that weights in close to 300# pair it up with my old 3spd tranny and I will have a pretty lite car.


merkurman - 20/4/03 at 05:01 PM

did a little more hunting and found another version of the same file with a a couple more detailed IRS drawings and a second rear upright design. so I am starting to collect enough I think to form my own set of drawings soon


elewayne - 22/4/03 at 05:09 AM

Hi, Just a thought.
Be careful welding up that chassis beore you decide on the drive train.
I found that got me into trouble.