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custom chassic builders/information/books
powercrazed - 6/7/06 at 02:20 PM

Hey people, Im knew around these here parts but your site has come highly recommended

Im looking at designing a scratch built car in hope that I might be able to build it one day

I cant go into too many details, but I need information, links, books, documents...anything really about building all types of custom chassic and suspension geometry

Im really REALLY new to all this, but Im looking to learn a few things in the pursuit of a crazy little self built car

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated



donut - 6/7/06 at 02:38 PM

What sort of car are you thinking of building? If we knew that we would be able to help you a bit better. Nearly everyone on here are building lotus 7 replicas but there are a few who are building other replicas or thier own design.

powercrazed - 6/7/06 at 02:41 PM

Hard to say really

If it becomes a fully blown reality, it will be completely scratch built over time.

It wont be based around any exsisting kit

The basic idea is to make a twin bike engined (rear mounted) rear drive car thats compact (single seater maybe)

Its a very rough idea at the moment, but Im having brain waves constantly

Maybe something along the lines of an Ariel Atom, probably not as good though haha

peterriley2 - 6/7/06 at 02:51 PM

ok i can help you a little on the engine, check this out! to use it you would have to have an almost open ended budget. also this is one hell of a website- i spend about 4 hours reading the whole build process- its addictive with all the (brand new)shiney bits, and sounds almost exactly what your planning. theres more to be found from the first link so get surfing and i hope it helps you!!!

iank - 6/7/06 at 02:54 PM

Some things to look at:
The dp1 on almost exactly what you describe (though I think he's made his AWD) Edit *SNAP*

JC one of the board members is designing/building something very Atom'esk his blog is here:

For a good read try The Race and Rally Car Source book (linky) which has a lot of information on designing suspension systems.

Also have a look at MK Engineerings latest project for inspiration (link)

[Edited on 6/7/06 by iank]

Macbeast - 6/7/06 at 02:58 PM

"Build your own sports car (for as little as £250) " R Champion, ISBN 1 85960 636 9.

"Haynes Car Builders Manual" Lionel Baxter, ISBN 1 85960 646 6.

Haynes Publishing
Nr Yeovil
Somerset BA22 7JJ


Haynes North America inc
861 Lawrence Drive
Newbury Park
Cal 91320 USA

[Edited on 6/7/06 by Macbeast]

t.j. - 6/7/06 at 07:41 PM

How to Build Your Own Tiger Avon Sports Car for Road or Track

By Jim Dudley.

Don't trust the measurements but it's a nice book though.

John Bonnett - 13/7/06 at 03:48 PM

Our bible when we built our Special was Alan Staniforth's Race and Rally Car Source Book. It covers making a model chassis from balsawood and everything else to the finished car. He explains his string computer for working out the roll centre and many other fascinating details. He built some very successful sprint and hillclimb cars so he does have the right credentials.


kb58 - 13/7/06 at 05:30 PM

Here's my list of recommended reading if you're thinking about building a car: