I dont have the nose cone yet but wish to weld the brackets on to the chassis to mount the rad.
Im after a couple of photos from the front and side so I can get an idea of the position and angle it needs to be in aswell as the routing of the
bottom water pipe.
Would be greatfull of some help
regards warren
think mine is a polo one, its a dreadful kink to get the bottom hose past LB. Mine is just wedged in, central and a little leaned back. Top hose goes
over top front bar and then down.
Here is a pic of the rad mounts on my MK Indy with Polo rad.
Top ones are Westfield and bottom are home made. Spot the quality difference!!
Image deleted by owner
and another
Image deleted by owner
[Edited on 17/7/06 by donut]
Cheers Andy, any chance of any info(pic) on how the bottom pipe work is routed.
Cheers Joel, Its that bottom hose I need to to get my head around.
Originally posted by big_wasa
Cheers Andy, any chance of any info(pic) on how the bottom pipe work is routed.
Cheers Joel, Its that bottom hose I need to to get my head around.
i used an S bend i had lying around, from a sierra, and put the rad far enough forward that it could pass inside of LB without too much ofa kink.
Depends what nosecone you are using , if it is Locost /Caterham type the Polo rad is a VERY tight fit and it would be too risky to fit without your actual bodywork.
surrey dave is correct, i mounted my polo rad using home made brackets on my locost chassis (which has brackets already for an escort rad) before i
had the nose cone, when put the nose on it was just rubbing on the o/s.
so decided to cut the original brackets off and mount the rad inwards more to the chassis, the bottom outlet pipe at the moment just toudhes the
chassis, but intending to use a samco 90degree.
my rad is mounted at a slight angle as its so tight in the nose. pics in my archive..
[Edited on 18/7/06 by ned]
bottom hose was a very tight fit as the bottom outlet is very near the chassis. I got some flexi hose that just about fitted. With you car you may
have to angle the Rad as Ned has done.
Cheers all
heres a pic of the bottom hose on mine, there are more in my archive
Rescued attachment lower rad mount.JPG
here's my take on it...
I would recomend waiting until you have the nose cone to hand to fit the rad though as it's a tight fit and you want to get the rad as closely
lined up with the nose cone aperture as possible to maximise the airflow through the rad.
Polo rad 7
Polo rad 8
Polo rad 9
Polo rad 10
Polo rad 11
Polo rad 12
Polo rad 13
More pics in my archive as well.
Sorry about the dodgy feet
More pics in my archive.
Rescued attachment DSCF0295.JPG
Rescued attachment Polo Rad 05 sml.jpg
Rescued attachment Polo Rad 02 lite sml.jpg
Rescued attachment bottomhose1sml.jpg
And with a Caterham Nose I had to cut of the , bleed thing and plug it ( on the to pright of the rad
Rescued attachment Polo Rad 03 sml.jpg
Out of interest, what nose cones are people using, particuarly to get the polo rad vertical. I'm using an MK Indy nose cone and to get the polo rad to fit i've got it at quite an angle.
Should fit easily under an MK nosecone , they have more hieght.
There is more than one Polo rad , these are the measurements
Rescued attachment Polo Rad 03 dimssml.jpg
proven point rad mounted at an angle is more efficient at cooling than vertical
best regards
Dave my rad is the same size (just been and measured it). one querey though exactly what nose cone from MK do you have IIRC they made 2 different nose
cones, the one I got was designed for the Indy, which means its about an inch higher (or an inch lower than the chassis!) but tapers up steeply at the
bottom and seems rather stubby compared to some designs.
[Edited on 19/7/06 by clbarclay]
I have the stuart taylor nosecone which is small and an installation not dissimilar to surrey dave.
I have a Caterham nose cone which would probably be similar to ST , I think it is the smallest nose cone , The Indy is a bit taller I think.
But I still managed to get it vertical , but it was a bit of a fiddle.
Not that I don't love my Micra rad, but!
What size are the inlet/outlet hoses on the Polo please?
And which temp sender have you used? It's Sierra one that's compatible right?
Can not aswer the sender question yet.
I also have another rad to play with...
not sure what the sender is off but its a common size, £6-8 for one if yours doesn't fit.
Originally posted by James
Not that I don't love my Micra rad, but!
What size are the inlet/outlet hoses on the Polo please?
And which temp sender have you used? It's Sierra one that's compatible right?
meant temp' switch for fan.... sorry!
Originally posted by James
meant temp' switch for fan.... sorry!![]()