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Car transport
arrybradbury - 17/9/06 at 12:16 AM

Found a project on ebay that i like the look of, only problem is getting it from exeter to bude before thursday. Anyone know of any cheap transport companies or is it down to begging and borrowing (just about got a trailor but it may be too heavy for the car!).

caber - 17/9/06 at 08:55 AM

Try your local Indespension dealer they usually have car trailers to rent for reasonable money. What car do you have for a tow car? if you are worried try HHB hire and get yourself a Land rover for the day!


davidwag - 17/9/06 at 10:15 AM


You could try DEVON RECOVERY in Exeter, they can cope with anything from a car to an artic, We use them at work, Very helpful. (01392) 434634.

If you are not too worried about what time or day they might be able to fit it in around other jobs at a favourable rate.
