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Size of W1 and W2
bilbo - 20/11/06 at 11:45 PM

Just noticed that there is a contradiction in the book regarding the size of W1 and W2. In the list of tubes to cut, they are listed as 19mm RHS, yet later in the same chapter they are mentioned as 25mm RHS.

Just wondered what other people used?

Chippy - 20/11/06 at 11:55 PM

Hi, don't know if it's correct, but I did mine out of 19mm, and nothing has fallen of yet. hth Ray.

DavidM - 21/11/06 at 12:53 AM

19mm here too.


James - 21/11/06 at 08:46 AM


You have got the McSorley plans haven't you?


bilbo - 21/11/06 at 09:45 AM

Thanks all for your replies. 19mm it is.

Thanks again,