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OK Here we go!
ProjectX - 11/1/07 at 10:53 PM

Have uploaded a couple of pics to photo archive. Actually starting on the chassis now at long last!

Everything else is pretty much ready so any tips/tricks/help greatly received!!!!


Chippy - 11/1/07 at 11:53 PM

Good start, but a way to go yet. Don't get discouraged, just keep at it. Best of luck, Ray

DavidM - 12/1/07 at 01:36 AM

It's always good to see someone starting a chassis.

Good luck with your build.


andylancaster3000 - 12/1/07 at 02:00 AM

Originally posted by DavidM
It's always good to see someone starting a chassis.

Good luck with your build.


VEry much agree... good luck.

ecosse - 12/1/07 at 09:44 AM

Steel tube on a wooden board, great stuff I'm missing it already (although not that far beyond it myself)
Good luck with it.


Is it +4 or +442?

David Jenkins - 12/1/07 at 10:21 AM

Do you have your engine yet? If not, don't fully weld your engine support bits yet ("G" tubes, I believe). You'll find that the book shows them in 2 different places, according to which diagram you look at!

Also, don't weld in the "FU" tubes until you're setting up the front suspension mounts.

Apart from that, have fun!


James - 12/1/07 at 12:12 PM

One word....: Mcsorley!!!

The book is full of errors so goto to download a correct chassis plan.

Secondly... the more attemtion to detail you pay now in making the chassis straight the easier, faster, better the end processes (like bodywork) will be.


PaulBuz - 12/1/07 at 04:26 PM

Oh the memories
it all seems so long ago now!
Take your time, get the car how you want it...
but most of all ENJOY it!!!

ProjectX - 13/1/07 at 09:06 PM

Thanks guys/girls for all the positive support!

It is McSorley +4, dont trust the book totally!

Have Zetec, box, LSD and hubs etc plus all the other odds and ends you end up with.

Will post more piccies soon

Thanks again and keep the hints coming in