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Bent or not!!! Chassis that is!
ProjectX - 1/2/07 at 09:42 PM

Just got really scared!

Took a few more piccies of the chassis construction tonight, when my better half said "the back looks bent!"

I went to check and all is straight as a die!

Must be an optical illusion

Well I hope so!


(Oh main point of post was to show all how I'm getting on thats all really!)

ayoungman - 1/2/07 at 09:45 PM

that would be the camera lens then
cameras do funny things. My chassis looks pink in my archive !

David Jenkins - 1/2/07 at 10:17 PM

Classic wide-angle lens distortion!

James - 1/2/07 at 11:02 PM

Why does the top rail look more bent than it's twin?


violentblue - 2/2/07 at 03:39 AM

I would worry more about the front end If I were you, looks like a dogs hind leg

no just kidding you.

02GF74 - 2/2/07 at 07:57 AM

distortion by lens.

I would have thought measuing the diagonals with some non-strtcy string or wire would tell ya if it is or not.

usually viewing two parallel bars and looking for light in between them is a good way of testing.

kb58 - 2/2/07 at 02:16 PM

It's because the camera isn't on chassis centerline. You can tell by the driveshaft tunnel tubes.