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Chassis choice
Thinking about it - 8/2/07 at 08:00 PM

I have prety much decided on my build to be a Ron Champion book chassis. Having Just receive a copy of the Avon Tiger book I have been looking at the chassis design in there. Apart from the detail on the drawings. What are your comments on the two chassis' in comparison? Design, strength and ease of build? I welcome your comments.

stevec - 8/2/07 at 08:07 PM

Cant help with the chassis but change your user name to "Gonna do it"

Thinking about it - 8/2/07 at 08:11 PM


First I was thing about it. Then I was Gonna do it. Now I'm doin it.

Can I change the name? if so how?

Thinking about it - 8/2/07 at 08:12 PM

Now I can't spell Thinking!!!!!!!!!!!

BenB - 8/2/07 at 08:13 PM

I think the general consensus is that IRS is slightly (for road) better (a lot better for track) than Live axle but compared to DeDion its a small advantage and certainly not enough to make the decision to go for one car or another... I may be wrong!!!!!!

Thinking about it - 8/2/07 at 08:14 PM

Was cosidering IRS or DeDion on the book chassis.

MikeR - 8/2/07 at 08:18 PM

be careful with the avon book, the locost book has a number of inaccuraces and these have been documents (look up the mcsorely plans). The avon supposedly has whole bits missing.

Thinking about it - 8/2/07 at 08:20 PM

Are the mcsorley plans the book plans with corections? Or mods as well?

Bob C - 8/2/07 at 08:26 PM

Mcsorley plans are book, well presented and error free. - You don't really need the book :^)
Do a search for cymtrics (he posts on here) book chassis mods to improve the stiffness of the book chassis. Stick to RC's book (rather than the tiger book) to get an easier build & access to more bits that'll fit it.

caber - 8/2/07 at 11:59 PM

Well done! it will be an experience mine has been / is! I went with McSorley drawings and some of Cymtrics mods and had to do a few of my own to make the bits I got fit, mainly the Pinto and its exhaust and a Capri back axle. Unless you can actually lay hands on an escort donor you will be making changes unless you wait for the new book and get a sierra, making the changes are the challenging parts of the exrecise anyway, oh that and keping to your budget!


locostv8 - 9/2/07 at 09:27 AM


RK - 10/2/07 at 02:34 AM

Well, Mr. Champion mentioned 250 pounds of something, but I assumed he meant gold.

(with apologies to the guy from Kinetic in Florida.)

locostv8 - 10/2/07 at 05:21 AM

Was that put in a 10,000 pound bag.