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seat belt mountings
welshboy - 10/2/07 at 03:10 PM

hi im building a book chassis and fitting 4 point belts the book shows you welding a triangle bit of 3mm plate on the inside of the trailing arm bracket. is there still going to be room for my seat belt mounting ? do you use the same hole as the trailing arm ? a pick would help if any on could show me there bottom seat belt mountings thanks

DIY Si - 10/2/07 at 03:29 PM

Some people just use the same bolt for both.

welshboy - 10/2/07 at 04:23 PM

and is it ok si for the sva thanks

DIY Si - 10/2/07 at 06:25 PM

As long as it's a big/strong enough bolt, then yup. Something in a 10.9 or 12.9 should do fine if you're not sure.