Hi, newby here,
I am going to build a seven type kit but can't decide on which one. Obviously money is the biggest factor, I am aiming for sub £6K. Was quite set
on MK Indy (still am) but have just looked at the tiger site and the Avon looks good. I live on the south coast so most if not all manufacturers are
miles away.
Any thoughts/suggestions which kit to go for?
Forgot to mention I already have a ZX9r engine!
Avon gets my vote, but be prepared for the onslaught......Oli.
MK Indy I reckon, Just the job for your bike engine,
I'll get my Flack jacket.
Get to have a look at a finished example of a few makes if you can then make your decision.
Have a look at the MNR - a really nice chassis which has been well thought out.
if you want to know the pitfalls of the avon, have a search for posts by avoneer. he built one, so you should be able to get a feel for the quality
you can expect.
brand loyalty dictates that i'd be expected to say MK, but imo, they are a far better proposititon, if only for bonnet fit and the quality of the
MNR have probably the best kit about. it's a really nice car, but i doubt you'll build one for 6 grand.
i still think the MK nosecone is the nicest around too.
I've got a MKIndy/zx9 well sorted kit when I built mine, a mate was building an Avon at the same time ( nightmare with fibreglass - he still is
5 years later! ).
MK crew are well nice to deal with.
i'm building a mk, but iwould also look at mac1 and mnr
all 3 very good kits
GTS is also a nice kit but supply is sometimes an issue
Have a look at the feature in March edition of Which Kit Car.
I would say MNR Vortx. Superb.
Don't forget to check the Procomp LaGold though. IMHO its much better than the Avon...
Wott about a Tiger B6?? or a mac1 would get my vote.....Oli.
Rather than taking the distinctly biased advice you'll find here ( ) why don't you hold fire and go to the next big show - you can sit in
the cars, talk to the kit makers, and maybe arrange a ride in the cars you like.
Personally, I would recommend that you build your own chassis - but I'm also biased!
If it's a choice between the MK Indy and the Avon, I'd go for the MK. I really like the Avon but given some of the stories I've read on
here about them, I think the MK is the better package overall.
[Edited on 16-2-07 by Hellfire]
As an Avon builder, expect the build to have a few more challenges than the average kit. To some people, me included, this I like. I enjoy adding my own personal touches to my car. If you want a more step by step, straight forward kit, look at other kits. The Avon in my view is not for beginners. Also, get to the shows and look at the cars in the flesh. HTH
As an Avon builder, expect the build to have a few more challenges than the average kit. To some people, me included, this I like. I enjoy adding my own personal touches to my car. If you want a more step by step, straight forward kit, look at other kits. The Avon in my view is not for beginners. Also, get to the shows and look at the cars in the flesh. HTH
I had an Avon and If I had my time over again then it would be an Indy that I would go for. But for the same kind of money you could look at a Raw
Striker or Mac 1 or Vortx.
MAC 1, good kit, reasonable price, very helpful chaps, got all the bits you need.
After seeing most of the manafacturers and cars and hearing the stories, I would definately go for the MK.
As Hellfire says, it's a better overall package.
And don't forget the Luego products, but not sure you would be under 6k though.
The Indy would get my vote.
Can anyone tell me why the indy is soooooo popular? Just given all the problems with it that have come to light recently I wouldn't touch one with a barge pole. But then my bodywork falls off at speed (apparently). Strikes me as odd that one of the former designers of the indy (who has now left the MK company) does a retro fitting kit to correct its inadequacies in the handling department? (Of course this is all speculation as I've never driven one to compare....just seems odd!)....Oli.
you seem to be blowing the handling issues up a little bit here oli. Its a minor misdesign that MK has seen fit to correct in instances where it matters. Yet suddenly the car 'tend to dive into ditches'. I think you've spent too much time with calvinx...
I knoq for a fact that mine doesn't toe out or have positive camber as it toes in and has too much negative camber! Its got nowt to do with
Calvinix as we very, very rarely talk about MK's as niether of us have one so what would be the point? Contrary to popular opinion I/we have
better things to do then try to slag off MK or anyone else for that matter! Just take a look at the pics of the Tiger rebuild that will be going up
later today and you'll realise we've both been too busy! Oli.
My personal opinion for those who want to know is that the inday has become a victim of its own success. They've become so popular that some of
there owners have become cloudied when it comes to its inadequacies and will not accept constructive criticsm. I do hope that ppl wont think I'm
having a go. I just think that there are better packages out there than the MK. Such as Mac1 or MNR for instance.
Thank you Chris....fiinally someone has given a reasoned response from the MK camp. See if someone had put up their side of an argument like that then I'd be tempted myself to buy an MK. Its just a shame ppl get so worked up over it. I'll admit my Tiger is heavy and has bad fitting bodywork (all the cat's I'm aware of do) but I'm trying to do something about it now instead of whinging or telling everyone theres nothing wrong with it.....Oli.
Let's not mention some of the Avon probs then....
Rear produces negative camber when you go over a bump. No triangulation at the back. All front shocks supplied by Tiger are too short and the car
rests on it's bump stop etc. etc. etc.
I'm not anti any car, but for sub 6K and having seen, sat in, helped with and played with various cars, I do still think MK is the better package
at that price.
That's why it's so popular.
Thanks for all the replies guys.
It's good to see people so passionate about they're hobby.
I hope my future questions (and trust me there will be loads) generate such a good response.
Originally posted by Avoneer
Let's not mention some of the Avon probs then....
Rear produces negative camber when you go over a bump. No triangulation at the back. All front shocks supplied by Tiger are too short and the car rests on it's bump stop etc. etc. etc.
I'm not anti any car, but for sub 6K and having seen, sat in, helped with and played with various cars, I do still think MK is the better package at that price.
That's why it's so popular.