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It will never fit!
ProjectX - 20/2/07 at 11:14 PM

Well another day and a bit more done (love half term!)

So are we sure this zetec thing will fit!

Oh btw no one came up with a suitable chassis colour so have decided on dark blue! re: viewthread.php?tid=60822

Ta J

Simon - 20/2/07 at 11:28 PM

This goes in:

Yours should. Easily



Blakey_boy - 21/2/07 at 12:37 AM

After much measuremnet I can state that my cossie will also fit in the +4 chassis with the atered engine bay support mods from cymtriks suggestions

macnab - 21/2/07 at 08:41 AM

half term? get a job you slacker!

snapper - 21/2/07 at 01:12 PM

More worrying is that projectX is obviousely building it back stage of the assembly hall in the props cupboard.
does the board of guvnors know about this.

Fred W B - 21/2/07 at 03:20 PM

Not to mention the case of beer.....


Fred W B

TimC - 21/2/07 at 04:16 PM

How did you clean that motor?


ProjectX - 21/2/07 at 09:28 PM

Haha! You calling my garage a props cupboard!

The 'beer' is in fact and empty box i picked up from the pub to put rubbish in! NOT!

and MACNAB I do have a job, although only contractually abliged to work 40 weeks a year

ProjectX alias Jamie