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Bit of advice needed
speedyxjs - 27/6/07 at 05:16 PM

Been a bit busy this week so only just got round to posting this.
I finished cutting the bottom chassis rails on sunday and tack welded the top. When i turned it over to tack weld the bottom, one of the welds broke (obviously not big enough tack). I went to reweld it and noticed that there was a gap of roughly 5 and 10mm between them and so obviously i cant just weld it back on.
Is there any easy way of sorting this out or do i have to cut the rail out and put a new one in?

[Edited on 27-6-07 by speedyxjs]

David Jenkins - 27/6/07 at 05:26 PM

If it was me - I'd cut a new one, and use the old piece somewhere else in a shortened form.

Afterthought: was it the correct size originally? Has the gap formed due to distortion elsewhere? maybe you need to check some dimensions...

[Edited on 27/6/07 by David Jenkins]

westf27 - 27/6/07 at 05:29 PM

might be best to check alignment first.I assume you cut to length and it fitted correctly,it cant shrink but it could distort

jacko - 27/6/07 at 06:01 PM

Put it back in the jig as you had it when you welded it then tack it again also check measurements

stevebubs - 27/6/07 at 06:35 PM

Sounds like there may be a bit of distortion here.

As already mentioned, stick it in the jigs and figure out where it's gone a bit screwy

speedyxjs - 27/6/07 at 07:24 PM

Thanks guys. Its still in the jig so it must have been too short. I must have missed it when i checked them. The chassis isn't quite to book so tis easily done

ChrisS - 27/6/07 at 09:02 PM

A good tip if you havent already done it, is to tack weld it on the flat edges rather than the corners and if you get three out of four tacks before turning it over you shouldnt have any distortion or movement.

Im not a professional welder, this i just my opinion. A technique i used after experiencing a similar situation to you, when i started tacking the corners.

All the best .
