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Rail C on chasis ????
pac_anglia - 3/6/02 at 12:57 PM

Hello all, I'm about to cut out Rail C (front bulkhead bottom rail) this needs to be placed backwards in the transimission tunnel, but at what distance do I need to place it to clear a 1300 Escort gearbox ???????

Thanks in advance

James - 5/6/02 at 08:55 AM

C goes at the ends of D1/2 at the point where D1/2 joins F1/2.

I don't think you'd want to move this anywhere else as this is quite an important supporting rail for D1/2 & F1/2.

Hope that helps, if I didn't understand your question then it's coz it's Wednesday morning after a hard Jubilee weekend!


pac_anglia - 5/6/02 at 08:44 PM

Hi James,

It's probably me not asking the question well enough, it should have been, the centre section of rail c (lower rail) which gets cut out to allow the bell housing to partly slide into trans tunnel, the cut out peice of c then gets positioned back further down trans tunnel.

I was probably being lazy and did not want to pull engine and gearbox out from under the bench and trial fit it to chassis.

Oh well better just get on with it !!!
