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what radius did you use in the back?
t.j. - 27/8/07 at 06:41 PM


Q: I have a bending-tool which makes beautifull bends with a radius of 98 mm.

Can you tell me what radius is normally used at the 4 tubes at the rear corners of the seven?

I will also put the tube across the rear-arches about 40 mm above. It's the tube which leads towards to front and stops at the "door-way" radius about 425 mm.

Too high or too low?


[Edited on 27/8/07 by t.j.]

dr-fastlane - 28/8/07 at 04:34 PM

Hello T.J,

98 mm is nice, how bigger the radius it becomes easier to bend the alu backpanel. On the RW1 this radius is approximately 90 mm. The 40 mm hight between the back fender and top of the chassis would be fine, mine has a hight of 45 mm.

Greets Roy

Peteff - 28/8/07 at 05:02 PM

I used a plumbing bender with a 4" (100mm) radius so very much as you are doing. The curves on the side where the rear arch fits to the side of the passenger area are easier to do in 25x3mm flat bar and fill in the side with plate.

t.j. - 28/8/07 at 07:09 PM

Hi Roy and Pete,

Thx for the advise. Now i can sleep well.

I want to use round bar for the better looks

If the Alu won't bent I can always take the grinder


dr-fastlane - 29/8/07 at 05:22 PM

….to take the grinder and cut the car, so it’s fits the sidepanel.

[Edited on 29/8/07 by dr-fastlane]