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McSorley 7+4 with DeDion
John P - 2/10/07 at 08:58 PM

I’m just finalising the rear of my McSorley 7+4 chassis which I’m modifying to accept a Rorty style DeDion axle.

Having asked for advice in the past I’ve modified the shape of RU1 and RU2 to give more space above for the axle and did this by copying the shape of the tubes used on the GTS wide chassis.

I believe the Rorty design was intended for a book chassis so my modification to RU1 and RU2 shouldn’t make any difference apart from ensuring I don’t have a problem with the axle hitting the chassis at full droop.

What I don’t understand is why the GTS chassis moves these two tubes nearer to the centre line than the McSorley 7+4 chassis. I was going to leave them 1066mm (42”) apart overall as per the McSorley drawing. Is this OK or do they need to be closer together to clear the DeDion?

Any advice would be much appreciated before I finally weld it up.


PS: I'm still out of work so if anyone hears of a Manufacturing Management (Mechanical Engineering) job in Kent please let me know.