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tube length
rob126 - 26/10/07 at 11:02 AM

am goon starting building my kitcar soon. just 3 small questions:
1. what length of tubing did you use for the chasis?
2. what did you use? 1inch squared steel?
3. what would be the ideal metal to keep it as light as possible?

02GF74 - 26/10/07 at 12:36 PM

Originally posted by rob126
am goon starting building my kitcar soon. just 3 small questions:
1. what length of tubing did you use for the chasis?
2. what did you use? 1inch squared steel?
3. what would be the ideal metal to keep it as light as possible?

The answers to 1 and 2 would be in the book - if not, then you can always add up the lengths, allowing for some wastage and mistakes.

The answer to 3 is probably Titanium or maybe some magnesium alloy.

I doubt you will have the tools or skiils(?) to wokr with it nor a deep enough wallet so for the DIYer is steel.

But feel free to post about making the chassis out of aluminium - we've not had that topic for over a week now

twybrow - 26/10/07 at 12:38 PM

I would suggest picking up the book. You can get a copy on ebay for not much money.

That gives a full break down of how and what to make, plus material list, plans etc.
Otherwise, this is a great site, whoth lots of info on materials needed, what legnths etc....