Some Locosts appear to have a wider rear track than front track (center of wheel to center of wheel).
Does that arrangement present any handling issues, especially when the same size tire is used at each corner?
That comes from having a wider-than-book rear axle, with everything else being standard.
Generally (I think), you'll be better off having the front the same track as the rear, if not a little wider, for less lateral weight transfer
and less wheel camber change. I don't think it's a big problem, and unless a builder's comfortable re-doing his suspension geometry,
he's probably better off with the unequal tracks.
If i knock my rear wheels out to fill my arch's (when they go on) my rear track will be wider.....
So either i set the rear wings in a bit to line up with the 7inch wide wheels.... (about 8cm) or i make the rear track wider..... hmmmm.... might
just put the spacers in and hope it handles well
A lot of seven type cars are wider on the rear.
Didn't we do this last week??
IMHO, the wider you can get the track, front AND back the better.
I'd make them the same width myself.
I don't think you'll notice an inch or two difference between front and back. Unless you were to have an opportunity to do a direct
- Greg H
. . . missed that thread.