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Pedal Box Pictures
rallyingden - 28/11/07 at 10:50 PM

Anybody got any good pics of Escort Ect ( downward facing ) pedal box fitting in their archive?


Mark Allanson - 29/11/07 at 07:45 PM

Sierra pedal box and MC - just remove the servo and rebolt together Rescued attachment Pedals.jpg
Rescued attachment Pedals.jpg

rallyingden - 29/11/07 at 09:06 PM

Cheers Mark

So you reckon no need for servo?


Mark Allanson - 30/11/07 at 09:25 PM

Definately no servo, remember your car will be less than half the weight of the original donor

Matty Dog - 5/12/07 at 12:50 AM

I want to see some pedal box pics too, so I'm bumping this thread back to the top!

I got the pedal assembly from a Ford 100E, whcih is what Lotus used, but I'm not sure that it's the best solution for my project.

D Beddows - 5/12/07 at 11:00 AM

ah, thats interesting - I take it you mean Lotus used them for the 7? if so is that just the pedal pedals or the whole assembly?

Matty Dog - 17/12/07 at 09:04 PM

Yes. It is my understanding that at least the earlier Lotus 7 used the cast aluminium bracket (and master cylinders) from a Ford Anglia/Prefect 100E. Lotus used the bracket upside down and either legnthened the pedals or manfactured new ones to suit.

Now I'm buggered if I can find any pictures to verify my claim. Can anyone help me out? I read about it in the Anthony Weale "Lotus Seven: Preparation, Restoration and Maintenance " book.