I have produced a the beginings of a new buld web site for my Locost I have loads of material to go on it but as usual time is limiting there are or will be details of items for sale by me or by anyone who would like to post me details of their stuff I am thinking also of a swap shop any one think that will work? Any way have a look should get updates pretty regular so click the mind it link
sorry I guess the link may help http://locostbuld.tripod.com I would welcome any bits of usefull info or insights anyone would like to send or pics of their projects.
OK i am a knob when it comes to typing try this link http://locostbuild.tripod.com
Site looks good m8! If you want to get away from Tripod (and all those nasty popups and adverts) give drop me an email and I'll sort you out an
address something like...
(or similar)