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speedyxjs - 29/2/08 at 08:34 PM

Iv done a search and everyone seems to have their sump about 1 inch below the chassis rails. Is this the most you can get away with? My engine is rather tall although i will be having a bonnet bulge

Hellfire - no im not going bec

[Edited on 29-2-08 by speedyxjs]

indykid - 29/2/08 at 08:35 PM

i have my chassis in line with the chassis rails


matt.c - 29/2/08 at 08:36 PM

My standard sump has 2 inches of ground clearence which is bad news!!! Hope you dont have the problems that im having.

speedyxjs - 29/2/08 at 08:37 PM

Originally posted by indykid
i have my chassis in line with the chassis rails


sorted cheers

indykid - 29/2/08 at 09:04 PM

dammit. knew i should've quoted you. now my post looks daft!


BenB - 1/3/08 at 12:13 PM

My sump hangs about 3" below the chassis rail
Lots of preload on the front gives me about 85-90mm clearance....