Is there anyone in Oxfordshire or Reading area with a Tig, who would be willing to fix a hole in a sump.
I have put a hole in it while trying to grind away the webing on the mondeo sump, and as this is not steel I can't weld it.
If you can get it to me i will do it at work, only got a/c tig set at work. I live in kettering northants.
Thanks for the offer, but unfortunately I am in Oxford, and don't really travel that way.
If there is no-one else closer to me I will see how much the local engineering firms charge, and weigh that up with postage/a drive to Kettering.
I'll let you know either way.
Try your local college....
Failing that, there's a place down the Oxford Road in reading that can do it - had bike bits welded there in the past. Buggered if I can remember
the name of the place, though
actually, your best bet is to drop into a local bike place and ask them where the best place to get a bit of ali welded would be.
You could try Huey at Spot on Control Cables. He's in Aborfield nr Reading. Tel. 0118 9737973
Stevebubs is right about the Oxford Rd.
Roger Clarke is the man 12a Shaftsbury Rd. Reading 0118 9507735. It's a side road opposite the hotel, newsagents on the corner.
Give him a ring first as he may well do it while you wait if he knows you are coming some distance. Best to fully prep it i.e. clean up all surfaces
before going though.
His prices are very modest but absolutely ace welding - enough to make me cry when compared to my pathetic efforts.
Cheers, Pewe
[Edited on 3/3/08 by pewe]